No one told me this 7 valuable information before I took Science Stream before I went to college
When I was about to get the Science stream after 10th, a new excitement was waft in me. Certainly, with this new transition several transition occurs along with our education admit process like our maturity transition from naïve and nuisance teenager, then our transition of biological hormones rushed and pelt of criticism at uncertain situation and flow of dopamine at calmful situation , then our transition of having peer pressure and pressure of academic tenure from faculty member of stream who are complying to the rule of Education board and want us to be complied We does all this chaotic rat- race to be maintained till we qualified. But this is gloomy to say that we lost when we feel that we are on right track as we try to be like other just for the sake to be survive and it suppose to bework because other are doing so. It seem so gloomy at such tender age and sensitive plasticity of transition of our perspective in mind don’t understand that what is necessary at the first ...